Homeschool Unit Study: Buddhism

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Buddhism is a philosophy formed by the notion of enlightenment, wisdom, kindness, and peace.

The founder, a man named Siddhartha Gautama, lived during the 5th century B.C. Though born into royalty and wealth in what is now Nepal, he decided to give up his wealth and pursue poverty. When that did not give him the peace he desired, he ended up creating an idea called the “Middle Way,” which translates between living between two extremes. He became known to his followers as Gautama, and after six years of pursuit of enlightenment, Gautama found it under a Bodhi tree while meditating. For the rest of his life, he guided and taught others about how to achieve this spiritual state.

When he passed, his teachings eventually evolved into a religious movement—or philosophy—that gained impressive traction, even becoming the state religion of India during the third century. It grew from there until the Middle Ages, when Islam’s growth forced Buddhism to fall back.

Various forms of Buddhism, including Theravada Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism, follow slightly different versions of the Buddhist philosophy, but are functionally based on the same principles.

The term “Dharma” may sound familiar to you, and if it does, you’ll be interested to know that it comes from Buddhism (it is the term for Buddha’s teachings).

The exact teachings of Buddha are numerous, but in short, his followers searched for generally being good, spiritual, enlightened, conscious people. His teachings include things like the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and more. The name “Buddha” literally translates to “enlightened,” and he is seen as an extraordinary man who carved a way to enlightenment, not a god or deity. His followers seek peace, wisdom, and enlightenment.

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